GED Tips

What is a GED test?

There seems to be a lot of questions regarding GED and how acceptable a qualification it is. The common answer is that it is considered to be equivalent to a high school diploma. The certificate is based on a set of 4 tests taken over a seven and a half hour period.
The tests are designed to test knowledge in mathematical reasoning, social studies, science and Language Arts, both reading and writing. The main purpose is to enable adults, over the age of sixteen, the opportunity to graduate. The requirements are that the person enrolling must not be enrolled in high school and students wishing to go this route must meet with a school counsellor before taking the GED test.
The test although having some advantages as far as time is concerned is by no means easier from an academic point. The test is currently graded on a scale equivalent to that offered in high schools and the requirement further stipulate that they pass on a comparable level to high school students or above 60% of high school seniors.
The test is presented in the format of short-form answers as well as an essay. There are many test-prep courses available as well as practice exams, this implies that the student is required to prepare and study before sitting for the test. Tests are offered in GED test centres located in most cities in the United States and Canada. Taking the test online is not permitted at this stage. There are also International testing facilities available.
To answer the question often raised about acceptability, the GED credential is accepted by 95% of all United States Colleges and Universities. Outside the U.S.A things are slightly different as not all Universities will accept this credential. Students should check with the University of their Choice before opting to go this route. Employers in the U.S.A accept this credential at the same rate as Universities and Colleges.


reading woman

Tips to Develop Effective Listening Skills

While hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, listening requires more than that. It requires focus and paying attention to how it is being told, the use of language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body. These basically means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages. Meanwhile, one’s ability to listen effectively may depend on the degree to which they perceive and understand such messages.

Here are some important tips to help you develop effective listening skills:

Stop Talking
When someone else is talking, listen to what they are saying and do not interrupt. Also, don’t talk over them or finish their sentences for them. Just listen and when the other person has finished talking, that’s the time that you may need to clarify things in order to ensure that you have received their message accurately.

Prepare Yourself to Listen
You have to focus on the speaker and put other things out of mind. Take note that the human mind is easily distracted by other thoughts. You may be thinking what’s for lunch or what time do I need to leave to catch my train. Try to put those other thoughts out of mind and just concentrate on the messages that are being communicated. While the speaker is talking, maintain an eye contact but don’t stare. This will show that you are really listening and understanding what is being said.

Remove Distractions
Avoid unnecessary interruptions such as doodling, shuffling of papers, looking out the window, and other similar things. Such behaviours will disturb the listening process and will give an impression to the speaker that you are bored or distracted.

Let go of some preconceived ideas and try to look at issues from the perspective of others. To fully empathise with the speaker, have an open mind. If there is something that the speaker says that you disagree with, just wait and construct an argument in order to counter what is said. However, keep an open mind to the views and opinions of other people.

Be Patient
It is common for a speaker to pause for some time. But does not necessarily mean that they are already finished. Be patient and let them continue in their own time. Remember that sometimes, it may take time to formulate what to say and how to say it. Thus, don’t interrupt or try to finish a sentence for someone.

Listen for Ideas – Not Just Words
While listening, you need to get the whole picture and not just isolated bits and pieces. The difficult aspect here is how you link together such pieces of information in order to reveal the ideas of others. Just have proper concentration, let go of distractions, and focus to achieve this.